I don't know what is in the pool here, but damn does it make you feel good. I think I might go for another swim right now!


User: malador999

Categories: Blueberry


New album
I won't let this sub die!
Photoshoot gone wrong
You'd be surprised how many don't make it through Berry training.
"You've got to help me out of here! Look at what they are doing to me!"
"What are you waiting for? Let's get started before I get too big!"
"I'm swelling up nicely. You want in on this?"
"I think I'm getting a little too big now!"
"I love it when I start to press up against the glass when I swell!"
"I can't even hold these! I'm pinned down by my huge tits!"
"Stand back, this is how you swell with style"
It's a process.
"I TOLD you, I didn't take any of your stupid gum!"
Bubblegum bubblegum
"Growing" Satisfaction
"You like watching my ass swell, don't you?"
"So umm, about that juicing, I didn't expect to swell up this fast.."
"Just got done juicing myself. I left a little back there for you, I know how
Berry Snap
I'm not so sure about this gum you gave me, it's starting to get kind of uncomfortable.
If we get home quick enough you can play with these before I need juicing, or explode,
Blackberry Widow by Beltpop
Before and After
Lazy Day Berry
Does this count as something blue?
Pretty Berry
bestie berries
Do you prefer the left or the right?