It's just a coincidence goyim



Categories: altright


Christians: When will you stop being cucked by the Jews and say Jesus is Ba'al, Lord
Trolling the MSM
Bannon is trolling the media with a lot of these cabinet considerations
Ahh Kekism
/r/NewsoftheNRA is butthurt, but I don't know why. Am I supposed to be upset about
Faces of Cuckoldry
/u/JimmyDeSanta is a lunatic
Trump meets with ex-bank CEO who wants to abolish the Fed Reserve and return to the
Swedish Woman hit by Afghan Rapefugee
Today hundreds of veterans from all across the United States, led by Wesley Clark
Look goy, Jews don't push degeneracy, you're just paranoid
Help him help us
/r/the_donald at again being so accepting of multiculturalism
TRIGGER WARNING!!1!!!1!!!4!@@#!$$@!!!
ash carter has got to be the worst secdef
Reminder that there is a problem in our community. And instead of doing like libs,
So this is the comment I finally get banned from T_D for. Kek
Islamic Terrorists viciously murder innocent innocent civilians, this is how the
More misleading propaganda brought to you courtesy of the (((msm)))
Feel the bern goyim.
The More You Know
Now I know why China has a lower rate of homelessness than America
Ze American Dream Haw-Haw
Things definitely took a right turn this year. No more "Malias", "Sashas"