Ready, Aim, Fire! drawing by Heinrich Kley (detail; c.1880's)

User: UghSheGiggin

Categories: VintageSmut


Shapely Reclining Nude, early 1970s
A Sultry Young Thing - mid-1970s, from DeltaofVenus.com
Larry Clark: Kiss The Past Hello
Tina Jordan and Lauren Hart in Earl Miller’s “The Spider and the Fly”, Penthouse,
Nude in grass, 1920s by Gerhard Riebicke
Lina Romay
Linda Shockley, more in comments
Another Comedic Illustration by Martin Van Maele -circa 1900
Face-Sitting and Flagellation by Gerda Wegener (c.1913)
In the Opera Box - illustration from "Moi Poupée" by Johannes Gros (1930)
The Festival of Priapus from "De Figuris Veneris" illustrated by Édouard-Henri
Locking Legs illustrated by Paul-Emile Becat (c. 1948)
"Muslims" illustrated by Achille Deveria (c. 1880)
The Portrait Painter by Robert Auer (c. 1906)
"Gamba's Viola" from "Tales at the Dressing Table" illustrated
The Best Man illustrated by Achille Deveria (c. 1880)
Knocking the 'Cock Around illustration by Frédillo (1880)
It's Mutual illustrated by Fameni-Leporini (c. 1910's)
The Arch illustrated by Peter Johann Nepomuk Geiger (1840)
The Wheelbarrow illustration by Borel, engraved by Elluin (c. 1787)
Angela Adams / Modern Man Magazine / 1970
By Candlelight illustrated by Achille Deveria (c. 1840)
Ruby Red
Groucho clowning around off the set
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