People always tell me I shouldn't shitpost about Nationals players, but those people don't have a second baseman that batted .347 last season [mildly NSFW]


User: WaltersJohnson

Categories: Nationals


Norwegian PM Stoltenberg on how a nation should respond to violence and hate. Inspiring.
"Brazilian" is not just a nationality....
Tonight on National Geographic- A look into the urban female mating rituals.
So apparently I was supposed to post here (f)or national short girl day
A man clubs a burning man during violence in Soweto, South Africa, between the largely
#Tweaker Nation is a smorgasbord of TMI.
One nation under PAWG
National Send a nude day?
I always preferred the fire nation
What 'The National Anthem' would look like if it were set in Australia.
Sweden National Anthem Singer Made Sure Everybody Was Standing
In some parts of the nation, the homeless population is GROWING.
[X-post r/funny] [NSFW] Local donut place making light of our nation's current trend
Donald Trump is pleased with Brazilian national team
Great Preds win tonight! Also really enjoying how the National Championship game
Fire Nation Orgy (Incognitymous) [Avatar: The Last Airbender] [Azula, Mai, Ty Lee,
It's Hump Day AND National Orgasm Day today. Let's set some records! ?
Enjoying Washington's national forests
6th Nation: Dick-Benders (fenixman)
Christina Ricci in 'Prozac Nation'
Christina Ricci (Prozac Nation, 2001)