One of my hobbies is reimagining pop culture figures of the 80s & 90s as anthropomorphic dongs. Here's my latest (NSFW)


User: Whiskey_Tango_

Categories: Terminator


A) Terminal [Locked - Easy]
Terminator makeup I did on a friend for a costume party [NSFW] [x-post /r/sfx]
Walking my terminally ill son into the ocean for the first time for both of us. Single
My sisters friend accidentally touched the positive terminal on his car battery with
My buddy had a party over the weekend and The Terminator showed up *NSFW*
NSFW - Just saw Terminator Genisys - me_irl - Spoiler
Terminal leave starts today. Never (f)elt so great to take those blues off.
Terminator 6: Final Solution
Guess it was terminal
Return like the terminator
Chinese doctors bowing to a child with terminal brain cancer who donated his organs
Outside the Moscow city airport terminal
Airport Terminal Flash [IMG]
A man got terminal cancer and his wife had to go back to work to pay for it. She
Tit [f]lash while terminating a data cable.
These youtube-comments gets me so psyched to see the new Terminator movie
Attempt at a Terminator timeline - Seeking help with Sarah Connor Chronicles and
[Breaking Bad] In Season 4 Episode 9 “The Bug”, Jesse asks Mike what the deal
Like a sexy Terminator
Ali Larter
Terminally Hot
McDonald's marketing department either deserves a raise or a termination...