anime_irl [NSFW]


User: MariaValkyrie

Categories: traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns


How I feel about my guy friends.. NSFW
Ancient traps
CrossFit Competition [xpost /r/GirlsMirin]
When it's almost fall so I can start posting pumpkin spicy white girl memes. [Me_irl_but_chucks_instead]
The real dangers of wandering alone at night
FemNB transition goals: Vampire Demon-Girl
Transition goals
After the Spiro kicks in
Shopping for sextoys when you had a no-depth vaginoplasty be like
When the E kicks in.
When I'm checking myself out and feeling confident then the disphoria sets in
When you're talking dirty with someone and they say "show me that sissy ass"
Cursed Image
Someone: what's in your pants though Me:
It's been 2 and a half months since i last cut and i have the urge to start again,
When your gf whips you and ties you to the bed until you finish your homework.
"NSFW" Found out my grandmother thinks I'm trans because bullies online
I promise I'm practicing
Talking about someone behind their back is rude, you know >:(
Top 5 Reasons for wanting bottom surgery
I can't seem to figure out why other AMABs don't want to try titty skittles ?
Satan is an ally [oglaf]