Gonewild, Russian nudist websites, and some awesome MS paint skills from yours truly!

User: PM_me_ur_swimsuit

Categories: quityourbullshit


Guy uses a picture of a cut foot posted 9 hours before and claim it's his
Guy claims to personally know the "guy" running Taco Bell's hilarious twitter
Guy comments on tattoo hating post with picture of girl he 'banged', photo is of
Hostile Darren Wilson supporter claims to have seen non-existent video of the shooting.
OP calls himself out for being full of shit in a reply to others who tell him to
/u/icanttellalie seems to be telling a lie
Redditor claims guy has small penis, then gets pwned
OP claims he clicked a NSFW link at work with a co-worker nearby, but was saved because
OP says that a girl he knows posted a Nsfw pic for her profile picture. Redditor
Conservative guy posted a political meme to complain about how the Simpson's was
Guy keeps tweeting to skeptics to disprove his "ghost photos." Gets more
Stupid or lazy creep tries using pics from my own sub to catfish me.
Kim K special
Brazilian politician uses hentai artist's work with no credit
Guy makes an unfunny joke about having raw sex with minors, claiming he's about their
NSFW Guy has both dick and clitoris.
I occasionally post to NSFW subs. Someone tried to catfish me with some really obvious