Antelope has fetus torn from womb by African Wild Dogs [NSFW]

User: SeriesOfAdjectives

Categories: natureismetal


Michelangelo turns again Splinter
Lions sharing a Hyena
polar bear stands over carcass of bowhead whale
Mother polar bear is helpless as a larger male kills and cannibalises her cub.
Unsuspecting vulture is snapped up by a crocodile.
This flower giving me the finger for absolutely no reason
I see your snake and raise you this metal frog
Aftermath of a lion getting gored by a buffallo
Tune swallowing a seagull and then spitting it out
The harpy eagle (the world's largest eagle) snatching a sloth
Green jumping spider preying upon its long-jawed cousin.
Alligator crushes turtle shell, immense display of bite force
Giant Petrels on South Georgia
An adorable Hippo.
Seal corpse being ravaged by bottom feeders.
Bird Noodle
Tortoise eating a mouse.
Bats are hard as metal!!
A deer losing his velvet
Dinner is served... (source in comments)
Jaguar protecting its catch
This pigeon stripped down to the bones by tadpoles
Zebra loses his head
After a run in with a coyote.
Dog got it bad from a porcupine (NSFW) (NSFL)