[FS-TX] Monte Carlo mats grown submerged

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Categories: AquaSwap


[FS][Atlanta, GA] Cherry Shrimp Juveniles $1.50 each. 40 available. Local pickup
[FS] Red Cherry Shrimp--Sakura Grade RCS--Tulsa, OK
Merry Christmas. Thank you AquaSwap. I have a plant package I am giving back. Shipping
[FS] 10+2 Sakura Cherry Shrimp $35 free shipping + extras! - Tulsa, OK
Free 50 gallon tank and stand, Elkridge Maryland
[GA] [West LA] Free schools of Cardinal Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Amano shrimp,
[FS] Planted community tank w/ everything (N. San Diego County)
[FS] 10+2 Blue Dream Neocaridina Shrimp - $50 w/ free shipping (Oklahoma)
FS: Amazon swords, 3 dollars each!
Java moss cleanout [FS]
Huge Water Lettuce some with 12" roots. $18.50 shipped.
[FS] - 30161 - $10 - 10 (+2) Blue Leopard Ramshorns Shipped.
[FS] - Seattle - $50. Entire tank setup, shrimp, fish, snails, and food
[GA] - Alexandria, VA - 20G Long with guppies, RCS, a pleco, and a buttload of exploded
[FS] NJ - $20 shipped - Floaters paradise
[FS] - NY - $3+ Shipping - Rotala, Ludwigia, Bacopa, Lysimachia, Limnophila, Cryptocoryne,
[FS] Winston-Salem, NC - $0.50+ - Dwarf Sagittaria, Java Fern Windelov, Crypt Wendtii
[GA] NJ 08084 - my monthly FREE handfuls of Salvinia Minima post (local pickup only
[FS] - Worcester County, MA - $150 - Medium-tech 20 gallon long community, full setup
[GA] - Hoboken, NJ - $0 - 2 Juvenile Peppered Cory Catfish
[GA] - Boston, MA - $0 - Blue dream shrimps, need to go ASAP
[GA] - DFW - Free 99 - Rooted Rotala packs - Details in Description
[FS] - Minneapolis, MN - $1+ - Various Plants
[GA] - Oakland, CA - $0 - Mixed surface floating plants
[FS] - San Diego - $40. Driftwood(middle) with Java Moss. Pick up only
[FS] - San Francisco, CA - $50 pick up, local only - ADA Cube Garden 30-C
[FS] - Hoboken NJ - $25 - 4 adult Orange Eye Blue Tiger shrimp (OEBT). Pick up only
[FS] - Sanford Orlando area, FL - $100 -Waterbox 16 w/Chihiros A series light -LOCAL
[FS] - San Diego, CA - $80 - 40 gallon aquarium and stand (w/ lights and others)
[FS] - Sanford/Orlando, FL - $50 - 7 gallon cube setup - Local only