Leaked image of Brienne and Tormund S8


User: LlamaLlasagna

Categories: aSongOfMemesAndRage


This was the reaction of everyone in the room to the 
out of nowhere sex scene in
[Big TV spoiler, slightly NSFW] Hazardous goods
[ASOS Spoilers] One night only! Direct from Harrenhal!
[ASOS/S 3.09] I don't think this is Vince Vaughn's kind of party
[All Spoilers] Not funny Dude!
I saw this earlier on some other subreddit, she reminded me of Melisandre, I just
[no spoilers] To Kate Middleton from the Mothers of Westeros (nsfw)
The Butts Watch [NSFW-ish]
Nsfw The link said "DAENERYS TARGARYEN xxx" wasn't expecting this at all
[SPOILERS SEASON 4] Three of my favorite things in the show are in this picture.
Season 2 [Season 2] Poor Gilly. While everyone else fears the coming Winter, she
No doubt about it, Mr. Dinklage.[NSFW]
[MAYBE MAJORISH S4 SPOLIERS?] Well at least someone knows how i feel about Brazil's
Part II: Now my mind is taxed by the problems of Earth.
Tyrion got lost in the wrong forest...
Likely scenario.
[S5 Spoilers] All those books and she never learned to read the fine print
What happens when you watch the DNC debate right after GoT
Icy to dull the pain. Hot to relax it away.
[MAIN SPOILERS] Ramsay to Walda
[All Spoilers] Last epidose we lost one of the most underused characters. Seems like
[All Spoilers]Remember, "there are no small parts."
Mother of One-eyed Dragons
Huge Game of Thrones spoiler
(Main Spoilers) Hopefully this guy will return and cause some damage next season
Whenever someone tells me the show is "dragons and titties" I remind them...
Daenerys GOT me like.