After 2 months of searching, I've finally completed my set. Meet Busty and Raunchy!


User: Truesarge

Categories: tf2


Heavy with class
GIVE ME YOUR HAT (xpost from r/gaming)
I should really stop playing on pub servers...
Can't say the Scout isn't justified...
Unfortunate poster placement
How I feel when I buy keys
The real reason for global warming, we all went Pyro.
Totally Spies (Shadbase)
Such a glorious feeling
Rub 'em
I Love it when sprays blend together Seamlessly
Just traded a strange bazaar bargain for 1 reclaimed and two weapons. I didn't notice
From the /r/askreddit "What eas your worst sex experience?" [NSFW]
The Sniper lives in Australia, and you all know what that means: Merry Christmas
The most hilarious thing I have ever seen on any server (HARDLY NSFW)
[NSFW] Ms. Pauling sure does get around...
The Little Merscout
I'm immature.
I initially thought the Burly Beast was this when I saw the thumbnail
about time
Crit tits are fair and balanced
Scout's magnum opus of Poetry
Oh god... What have you done, valve...
Community servers are as great as ever
Hinata by Kalinka Fox
Maybe maybe maybe
Wraith exposing her breast (Ringsel) [Apex Legends]
Kali (Udonnoodle3d) [Rainbow Six Siege]
Spy uses his disguise
Meredith Stout, (Steps3D) [Cyberpunk 2077]