Researchers from the University of Berkeley found that squirrels organized their nut stash by quality, variety, and possibly even preference. The arrangement is referred to by researchers as "chunking."


User: remotectrl

Categories: Awwducational


When fucking the queen, the honeybee's dick snaps off and his balls explode when
MRW I accidentally open a NSFL link that someone snuck into r/awwducational
Sea otters have been known to rape baby seals to death.
In the wild, orangutans use found objects as tools: leaves as "toilet paper,"
Metamorphosis of the Hercules Beetle
? Nothing ? Common ? About ? the ? Common ? Eider ?
Several species of old world monkeys like patas and vervets have blue testicles
[OC] Baby Tapir - They are often called ‘living fossils’; they’ve been around