I had my operation yesterday.


User: torenopoo

Categories: gynecomastia


"Gynecomastia" in First Aid 2014 (NSFW?)
Gynecomastia tits are better than mine
(18/m/6'4"/185, swimmer's build) Gynecomastia kinda sucks but hey I'm pretty
35M 5'8"- Severe gynecomastia and my penis is buried in my pubic pad. I had
Steroid-induced gynecomastia
24 hours post-op
I've lost 60 pounds and I'm finally starting to be happy with the results. I am a
Sissy - Gynecomastia
1 year off surgery, the best decision I made
29M 6’4” 245lbs After a lifetime of struggling with my gynecomastia and weight,
Performing a DIY
My glands are gone!