You merely adopted the awkward. I was born in it, molded by it.

User: Phased_and_Amused

Categories: lolgrindr


Nail biter
First day in a new city
He's looking for a hookup, but just for his iPhone 4.
"Momma sweaty"
So.. only into Asian Republicans who don't like sex?
Every Grindr convo ever.
From /r/Highqualitygifs
That headline though ?
I'm sorry, what?
That's gonna be a no...
Predictive text tries helping. I mean, it's not really wrong...
This just seems so presumptuous, especially coming from a guy whose head was cropped
My Favorite Interaction
Next step in human evolution
Where many men have been before..
He has a way with words.
Ugh fucking Chad.
Guy tried catfishing me with pics of a friend