5 Days of Trek - Deanna Troi


User: lumpkin2013

Categories: startrekgifs


Sex Trek
When my transvestite partner tries to join me in the shower.
Mods' Bday post omits James Cromwell as Prime Minister Nayrok in TNG S03E11 "The
Lwanxana Troi wearing traditional Betazed wedding garb
5 Days of Trek - Kira Nerys
Star Trek The Gif
MRW I heard we were doing sexy Star Trek gifs and I have a thing for feet
MRW people say chest hair is sexy as hell
Can't even offer your friendship without HR breathing down your neck these days...
The Right Tool for the Job
The last thing Sisko wanted to see after a hard day of managing DS9...
Oh god, I can hear his voice...
TOG - 'The Original Klingon' ? (Courtesy of Murphs33)
Uh. You guys remember that time mirror Hoshi drugged mirror Archer and then stared