[FS] Planted community tank w/ everything (N. San Diego County)

User: DataAggregation

Categories: AquaSwap


[fs] Cryptocryne Jacobsenii Pink $25 shipped 2 available
[FS] Unknown varities of buce clumps lot. $50 shipped
Me in Texas, 1994
30 stems 8-10" (15)Wisteria (15)Anacharis. Fill in a small tank QUICK. $17 +
4 Bundles of Dwarf Hairgrass. Very healthy. Enough to cover a 20g or better. $12
[GA] This bowl of Java moss and a bit of anacharis. Coming from PA.
[FS] Finnex Plant+ 16'' East Bay, CA
[GA] Big tote full of plastic plants - PHX pick up only
Fluval FX4
Mix of Nano Tank Supplies
Clown pleco free to good home, Durham/Chapel Hill NC
[GA] Six platies in Phoenix AZ, pick up only (Ahwatukee)
[FS] I forgot to add the stem of AR lol. Now 3 stems of Ludwigia repens x arcuata,
(MO)Massive low tech plant bundle
$10 shipped various plant trimmings, yes snails and duckweed
[FS] - SEMO- $12 -Grow pond clean out, see comment for list
[FS] - DC/20015 - $16 shipped - Lots of jungle val
[FS] - SF Bay Area - $10+- lots of Hydrocotyle Japan and Java Moss
[FS] ME - $25 - Fluval Nano Light (Also have Fluval heater, sponge filter and ramshorns)
[FS] - Minneapolis, MN - $0.75+ - Stem Plants and Root Tabs
[GA/FT] - Central NJ - $0 - Madtom & Creek Chubs Local Pickup