I have 2 More 12-14" Radican Swords. Doing some major rearranging and these are the last 2 of these beautiful plants. $12.50 ea or both for $20. Shipping is $4.50 either way. Thanks for looking

User: Rhodesend

Categories: AquaSwap


[WTS/WTT] Aquasun T5 HO 36" double light hood [USA]
[FS] Red chested endlers, 5 females, 3 males, & extra juveniles/fry -- $30
Cheap easy plants
Plants for sale! Pictures and prices in link, $3.50 shipping
[FS] Aquatek mini +2 empty co2 bottles $100 shipped
Large batch of Java Moss (10+ Portions) $25.00 free shipping.
[FS] Dwarf Hairgrass $17 Shipped.
[FS] Dwarf Baby Tears Carpet - $30
[FS][Atlanta, GA] $25.00 Plant Package: 7 different species. 4x Packages available.
$25 low-medium light plant pack
Anubias Nana Petite (Pictured portion)
[FS]-NC-$32-EZ PZ Beginners Plant Package. Lots of low to med tech plants. 9 Species.
[FS] IL, 60543 - $50 - 100+ PRL Shrimp Colony
[FS] - Orlando, FL - $12 shipped $7 picked up - Red Root Floaters!
[FS] - Jax, FL - $5+ - Red Ramshorn, Corys, Plants and Assorted Goods
[FS] - Southern RI - $.75+ - Spring Cleaning Sale. High and Low Tech
[FS] - Atlanta, GA - $1 + - Cherry Shrimp Culls, Floaters, Marsilea Hirsuta, API
[FS] - Washington, DC 20015 - $40 + shipping - Instant jungle with over 20 types
[GA/FT] - Portland, OR - $0/$? - 8 or 9 harlequin rasboras.
[FS] NYC - $30 + shipping - Needle Leaf Java Fern
[FS] STL, MO - $5+ - Blue shrimp, full 29 gallon tank setup (fish, plants, and equipment!)
[FS] - Ohio - $60 shipped - tank teardown sale
[FS] - SF Bay Area, CA - $40 shipped - Java Fern needle leaf + Java moss
[FS] - San Diego, CA - $5 - Sandwich bag of duckweed free floaters (Salvinia minima
[FS/FT] - San Fernando Valley, CA - $25 - 25 Red Cherry Shrimp