A wasp plotting how to destroy its next victim

User: PKBeNess

Categories: WaspHating


Had a wasp nest in the airbrick, the duct tape was pretty effective...
Something I haven't seen much hate for on this sub: FUCK HORSEFLIES!!
Home Office Was Invaded
Man meet Doomsday(Asian Hornet) - these assholes sting not only dissolves your flesh,
Took down this bastard at work today.
Wedged to death.
I hope it was a slow drowning.
Wasphating. Now available in slow motion
Was enjoying our senior sunrise until this piece of shit decided to pay a visit
The face of a defeated enemy
Spider taking out a wasp.
This little dick decided to come inside my house. Bad move, dude.
Plant bro kills hellspawn
petition for making the cockroach the sub's official mascot
Have an up close look at this dead fucker
Bees take vengeance on a hornet that ate a fellow bee
It's winter in Canada and I still can't escape the bastards
This bizarre wasp landed on me.
Got this fucker when he was harassing me, swatted him with my hand onto the ground
Decapitated wasp grabs its head before flying away
I know Cicada Killers are supposed to be docile, but we got tired of them dive-bombing
Death by suffocation.
I think you guys might like this mass wasp grave
Looks nasty, but boy it works
Cum melts wasps. This is survival info.
This decapitated Wasp cleaned it's wounds before flying away with it's own head
I'm new to this sub. How should I kill a wasp trapped in my window?