What happens every minute on PornHub [link is NSFW]

User: [deleted]

Categories: dataisbeautiful


How not to make a graph. (X-post /r/crappydesign) [NSFL]
I made a wordcloud showing the relative frequencies of words in pornhub video titles
r/bigdickproblems Demographics [OC][nsfw]
[OC] Landscape vs Portrait orientation in popular NSFW subreddits. Produced by scraping
Chicago 30 Day Murder Trend – Wounded vs Killed. Posted on January 26, 2013. So
I was messing around with Google Books NGram view and I discovered something... well...
Average Number of Sharpies inserted from two years of posts from /r/buttsharpies
[NSFW] I found this graph. It is beautiful.
My Masturbation Habits for the Last Six Months Visualized [OC]
Pornhub 2015
NSFW subreddits
A graph of all the times Lil Wayne mentions cunnilingus in his albums
Every person killed by a police officer between 2015 and 2016
Not sure if this can be called beautiful. But yeah, as expected
Distribution of ages on /r/gonewild, /r/gonewild30plus, and /r/40plusGoneWild.
Where Men prefer to ejaculate on a women's body and where women prefer to be ejaculated
At Work
300 years of element discovery
Charting Our Sex Lives for 2019
[OC] Results of 18 months of looking for love on tinder [25M]
9 Months of Tinder in Amsterdam. Not a Sankey! [OC]
[OC] 5 years of TInder as 27-31 guy in UK - more in comments (including Tinder profile!)
I recorded every time I masturbated/had sex in 2019 [OC]