Kicked a piece of Coral


User: guessimlost

Categories: wince


[NSFL] Spare yourselves.
This ain't no papercut
What's worse than cutting your hand on a piece of paper? [NSFW]
I'll raise your "Urethral Chastity Cage" with Rape-aXe!
"Hole saw" vs. Thumb: 2 Weeks Post-Op
[NSFW] Balls under toilet seat.
Timeline of my stitches
Its from a manga of some sort. No one could source it bought the idea makes me shudder
Always know where you place your hands while using a table saw
Dental Implant Placement
Bad ice-skating maneuver.
OP twists his dick
"degloving" a guy's dick
Hand/pinky crushed by 200lbs quartz countertop
[XPOST from /r/WTF] A hoof with the cap removed.
This must've hurt.
Hellraiser (2018)
Blade snapped in half while turning pit out of an avocado. Luckily, a product liability
Super Smash Bros irl
Stick through leg after hiking accident.
Sliced open my eyebrow when I fell off my bike. Wear your helmets, kids. (June 20,
Make me your little princess ?