How yasuo mains look like when they go 0-7


User: heatocracyph

Categories: LeagueOfMemes


An accurate depiction of Mordekaiser farming in lane
Too much LoL [x-post from r/4chan] [NSFW text]
Playing against fed Syndra
Some tremors woke up our school this morning. This was posted to our LoL page within
Finish Him!
Getting hit by a fed Nidalee's spear
[mildly NSFW] Vladimir using "transfusion" on Master Yi
Lil drawing I made for my brother's birthday [NSFW]
I casually found this during my daily browsing
Bjergsen gets outplayed on Pornhub (possibly nsfw)
MRW i'm having a good game as Soraka
How far is this guy gonna go!? Porn Comments [Partial NSFW]
A lion takes down a buffalo a few meters from tourists.
MRW I'm trying to protect my adc from a deadly gank
When I'm Renekton and I think the top laner is 1v1'ing
When you 3v1 as Taric
[NSFW] Watching Worlds in VR with my girlfriend
Puffer fish murdering the fuck out of a crawfish
How the hell do you explain this?
Strg + 3 to escape
Terror of the midlane
New Fizz skin idea. Fat Fizz.
It‘s like playing an assasin just in bad, but the fireball makes up for all the
French Maid Nidalee