If you check my history I made a CLEARLY joke post in our favorite sister sub, got this about an hour afterward


User: Queen_Combat

Categories: TransChaserPMs


"Cumpation after compilation"
MGTOW chaser explains how he wants a trans gf because nobody will believe them if
Chaser explains why he's interested in MtFs ?
Waiting for me this morning.
This is an old one but enjoy
I cracked my egg a while back and got my first chaser pm today ?
That's cool, random married guy that lives 1,000 miles away.
Speech impediment or just really thirsty?
top text
CW. r*pe is hot, right?
CW. r*pe is hot, right? (reupload, forgot to censor name)
Misogynist chaser knows that all women who stand up for themselves must be lesbians
I have to post this one before I delete it. It still makes me upset.
Regardless of whether or not they're serious, I just love rape threats in my inbox.