How's that Wendy's Burger Smell?


User: [deleted]

Categories: FartCaptions


Your New Home
Back from the Chili Fest
When You Pass Out, We Win
Hope You Like This Booty
Beach Dreams Dashed
My Property
Tanned Hide Mistake
A Reasonable Amount
Dorm Submissive
Never Been This Close
Big Trouble in Big Fart
I Don't Care How Bad
Is This Seat Taken?
Given a Pass
Farts to Breathe
Do You Even Rim?
Don't Fail Me
Your Fault for the Farts
Prostitution is Illegal
A Log of Respect
A Gassing Grade
59 Days of Chastity to Go
Taken for a Ride
A Reason for Punishment
Dragged into Nature
The Ass Addiction
Better Enjoy It!
Come to Rancho Moteris Valde
Lessons in Respect