Yesterday, this photomanipulation of an orca on a plane wing reached the front page. Since then a lot of people asked me how I made it. So I'm linking a timelapse of the process in the comments


User: ibnelbarb

Categories: u_ibnelbarb


Ikumi Hisamatsu
Zara Sparkes
Bruna Marquezine
Gabby Epstein
Anya Taylor-Joy
Eugenia Samara - a Greek goddess
Elizabeth Gillies.
Ivana Santacruz
Karen Macaron
Chailee Son
Michelle Randolph
Sara Orrego
Rachel Yampolsky
AnnaSophia Robb
Christen Harper
Paula Garcés
Jewel Staite
Keilah Kang
Úrsula Corberó
Gabriella Lenzi
Good shot. Not sure if it’s staged or not.
Rishika Kaushal
Karina Zabirova
Anastasia Kostenko
Anne Winterson
Anzalna Nasir
Isabelle Mathers
Mira patel
Kelley Day