My arm after I did an oopsie

User: [deleted]

Categories: medizzy


The uterus was removed at 21 weeks so the docs could perform surgery on the fetus.
Surgeons manually helping a baby to get free from its amniotic sac
Gliadel wafers implanted into a resected brain tumor cavity
Impelled by 40 lbs spear in the back out the stomach- Idaho
My finger that got crushed in a fire door
Heart valve (Mitral) replacement surgery
Changing dressing on 2 week old thigh burn.
Wish him a speedy recovery
A hematoma that formed in my scrotum and penis after a bilateral orchiectomy.
A little Table Saw slippage. 20 stiches possible nerve damage.
Shin meets gym equipment
Too many teeth! (hyperdontia)
Welder Receives 2nd Degree Burn to Thigh After Pants Catch Fire (NSFW) (OC)