The embarrassment in their eyes as they watched the germans execute their family only made it better

User: MariKingy

Categories: PoliticalRaceplay


Visit Jamaica!
China Like Never Before
Who's winning this election?
Democrats thought they were going to win Florida LOL
Democrats haven't owned this many black women since 1860
Our newly elected president is gonna have so much fun with his veep tonight
Like shooting fish in a barrel
Hmmm I wonder why Bush invaded?
French Neocolonialism in a picture
Republican Blonde Goddess doing what a Republican man never could— pleasuring a
Liberal wife witnesses her husband with a conservative goddess...
She was never able to move on from that special night...
Migrants need to get used to their new diet
They've never seen a GDP that big
Italy's new strategy to boost tourism during COVID-19. What do you think?
Mystery solved.
Take notes BLM
W-what are you doing Prime Minister?
While silly Black BOYS are in prison White MEN are laying claim to all the best Black
Scotland women always loved going on long walks while it still dripped from their
Mexico’s hunger depleted thanks to a generous American Goddess, also winner of
Seems like a good deal to me.
That's a BIG Russian force
We need to dispel the rumor that illegal immigrants are "lazy". THEY WORK
Afghan women don't want US troops to pullout
New Zealand is the world's milky mommy
Portugal Moment