The death of Christopher Weston Chandler (Timeline where he was kidnapped by Nazis)

User: Anotherguyrighthere

Categories: ChrisChanSonichu


Woah man
Chris's reaction to the Sonic movie's Robotnik - should we expect "Don't Call
Uh oh
Chris acknowledges Geno's series
I don't know why, but this picture really tickles me.
Chris spent $90 on a Transformer in the middle of begging for BABSCon trip funds
When the cashier asks your name for the order, but they're cute.
Change to Geno's uploading schedule
Meanwhile on Imgur...
PickinyFelliny, a Chris enabler who photoshops Magi-Chan into pictures and pretends
Some screencaps of Chris on Discord
Chris released a new ad to his shop
End Games reaffirms Chris isn't welcome at their shop, blocks him on Twitter too
Wearing an "I'm Done Adulting" shirt while begging for money
An investment that will be spent at McDonalds
So Chris and Righteous went to see that new Sonic movie... (double cringe)
Chris is bored and running with another body-swap narrative
The fast food choice of Cwcville
Duolingo, featuring Chris-chan!
chris has scarred our minds
Chris (who has spent nearly an entire year publicly pretending to be an imaginary
Chandler at the end of time
tfw she even tries to bribe, or wager, you, but you would not take it
“I liked how it was about a boy with struggles like me. Oh and the sex scene and