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User: efinwalter

Categories: gwbooks


(F) More Chuck Palahniuk
The Catcher in the Rye (f)
(F) Nabokov, The Orginal of Laura and bonus Lolita
Nothing like a relaxing [M]orning
Let's do the {M}ath
Graphic Novel gift exchange got [m]e graphic
So[m]e historical fiction for your Hump Day, perhaps?
All you need to know about (M)ankind
Studying for [F]inals?
Sherlock to the rescue. Male
Time [f]or something mildly comical!
A little play while I read [20F]
Hey neighbors, who's ready for book club?
Started a new book today!
Would you spend night with me?
Stephen king is always a fun read this time of the year
Dr. Didact has a new video up on Youtube??
Having a relaxing a(m)ble through the World of Wonders. Happy Valentine's Day, readers!
Reading and soaking my worries away [oc]