Outdoor 2020


User: I_do_not_post_here

Categories: JAHSeeds


F52 godiss
Unlimited FEM seeds for $12.30? Yes please.
Blue Deity F51
Sweet Speotnik gets defoliated from Jahseeds.ca
Order arrived!
Enough drama. How are your plants growing? Week 2.5 Crown Royale in water and dirt
Mail Call Woohoo! Cant wait to sprout these beans!
Just want to share my Blurgaberry bush, she's been fun to watch grow
F67 You can fatten up already! Lol
Buyer shots of their outdoor crops this past summer 2020 - Just A Handful Seeds (JAHSeeds)
Blue Moon (Feminized) by JAHSeeds AKA Just A Handful Seeds
r/CanadaGrows is obsessed with JAHSeeds - they posted this, meanwhile I'm banned
r/CanadaGrows obsessed with JAHSeeds