I (f)ell for your magic, I tasted your skin



Categories: Goddess_of_Venus


Aren't you going to o(f)fer a lady a place to sit?
Night shi(f)t
Can I borrow your (f)lannel?
Got a bit (f)risky today
Where do you want to (f)inish?
Hungry (f)or your love
(F)resh as a daisy
Break(f)ast, anyone?
Been a minute since I showed you my (f)at butt
My hair is a (f)ucking mess
(F)lash, flash
I'm so happy it's (F)riday
Wet, wild, and ready to (f)uck
Passion (f)ruit ?
Waiting patiently (f)or you to put your hands on me
(F)irst Light
I wish you were my boy(f)riend
When I think about you I touch mysel(f)
A closed mouth doesn't get (f)ed
Just got home (f)rom work, who wants to give me a backrub?
Per(f)ect day to spend indoors
Just a little something, (f)rom me to you
Woke up this morning feeling (f)ine
Boy, don't start (f)eeling a way
In the mood to be (f)ingered
It's cu(f)fing season
Love is the greatest re(f)reshment in life
I heard you were down to get (f)reaky
Just (f)ucked someone, who's next?