30 YOM, throat ulcer? Previously healthy


User: jjafarFromAladdin

Categories: medical


Is my keyhole surgery wound infected?
[NSFW] is this genital herpes?
21 F I have had these small white bumps on my vagina for about a week. I was last
What are these things on the bottom of my foot? 18/Male/5'10/130 lbs/Causcasion/Been
[NSFW] Cut my fingernail today, will this heal on its own or should I see a professional
Using Tegaderm for a nasty fall off of a scooter. This is after a couple hours. Is
NSFW. Itchy red spots but not bumpy. Any idea what it could be?
I was dry humping really hard and after my penis hurt. I think I scraped it on my
Is this blood in my stool? Or the watermelon I ate yesterday? Male, 26
Peeled a part of my thumb nail back in a bike accident yesterday. What should I do
Lump in pubic area. What could this be?
NSFW What's this lump on my testicles?
Any special advice for finger joint cuts? Should I keep the joint straight until
Any guess what this bump/hole on my thigh is? More detail in comments. NSFW for light
What is this? Finding so many small pieces exactly like this..?
Boil-Cyst like growth on the side of Penis, was very small couple of days ago. Anyone
What is this? Thought it might be a pimple. It's on my leg and when I try to pop
Not sure if cyst or putsule... It was swollen and painful few days ago. Went to the
(18, M) Have a cut or hole in my gum behind my bottom row of teeth. Kind of feels
Is this thing cause by ring worm or is it eczema? I've been applying topical anti
Appeared on my back last night. Itches a little.
Help identify white rings on glans penis.(more info in comments)