42 year old tall order technical assistant who has nothing to offer except a list of wants longer than your typical villain from a comic book movie

User: styckx

Categories: WhereAreAllTheGoodMen


Yep, she’s wasting her time.
22F who rode every horsey on the cock carousel, wonders why she isn't happy with
In today's episode of "Entitled Sex Workers are Entitled" we discover that
I almost think these profiles are satire at this point...
Well shucks. Looks like the father of her children isn’t happy with her decision
Men who don't bend the knee to kiss her holy vag.... why don't you? ?
Yup. Sounds about right ???
Pull out your violin for this 34F divorcee who just lost her current baby batter
How is a man in his 40's so superficial and sex obsessed?!?! I feel like I'll be
Knocked up by a douchebag and now looking for a nice guy.
This is what every Sugar princess expects nowadays
I had a turbulent/abusive dating life so far. I'm very attracted to the men who add
She's clearly not a piece of meat guys, show some respect.
I paid a therapist to tell me not to date assholes. Found a kind, gentle man, total
Waaaaaaaaah! Meanie mens said I was damaged goods just because I'm a single mom.
Serial dater finally gets a good guy, but she just can't bond with him like a normal
Delusional female claiming "Men fake entire relationships" ignores her
She gave up on dating app and decided to look for a good man on a damn sperm and
If you can't handle me at my worst...
Soon to be 35F, soon to be cat lady, already froze her eggs. She won't settle for
If a man is uncomfortable with a woman being a stripper. He is an insecure misogynistic
She's 19, pregnant, and already monkey branching.
35yo voluntarily describing the epiphany phase in stunning detail without even realizing
Just your typical girl next-door... If the "girl" next door was 30 years
You know it all already: she dates Dwayne the Bad Boy and Ryan the F-Boy, then she