Working Up A Lather


User: Scooby-Dooby-Do

Categories: SexyGayMale


The Door Is Open For Visiting Guests
Hosing Down Brando
In A Naughty Blue Mood
The Best Angle
Breakfast Spread
Whooopa! Hi There!
I'd STOP for that!
Fabien Sassier needs to be my houseboy. (I can dream, can't I?)
Morning Glory
Who'd like to be the Coach for this team?
"Hey, wanna spot me? Yeah, on your knees, in front."
Some are show-ers, some are grow-ers.
Sweet Release
Leaning To The Left
Playing It Cool
Wear Protection
Hey Dude! What's Hanging??!
Making An Entrance. [2nd Gifin Comments]
Feeling Horny
Just Sexy
Gavin Wolfe at LegendMen
Pool Boy
Damn, Look At That Ass!
A Solo 'Netflix and Chill' Night!
One Little Finger
Bed Tease