Some of my absolute favorites!!

User: 14124095

Categories: HumiliationCaptions


That's already more than what you deserve
I'd be desperate for head(s)
You'll never be one of them.
It's not her fault. Don't be mad.
Working as fast as I can, please be patient I'll get to you!
Sometimes You Have To Adapt To The Times
Another Bout, Another Loss
Rockstar life is not for you
have you accepted the truth?
too bad you were born with that beta cock
The hard truth
He always steals your girl
It’s pretty bad when your dick can rest on top of your balls and STILL not be longer
Can't you just go to the hospital on your own? She's a little busy here
You’d like this 8 inch dildo shoved up your ass wouldn’t you?
Double Dates With Alphas Often Make For An Interesting Time
Your team physio has agreed to let me come in the locker room before and after games
Making Plans For The Night Ahead
I'm begging you
Even if they don't respect you for it
She Believes In The Power Of First Impressions
This top is perfect to give you a quick flash ;)
You're losing her
He's so much bigger than you
Cleaning time!