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User: GreySweater7667

Categories: TheArtOfTheTease


Sweatpants with Nothing Underneath
Midnight - 2 [M]
I like teasing you in the shower, you should join me [M]
Follow me into the dark [M]
Is this enough teasing? [M]
It's all here for you. You just have to come and take it.
Slow strip ? [M]
You always let 40[m]e crawling back.
My shirt got a little sweaty... [M]
Relaxed [M]
[M] Got my coffee, plant and candle going. Name a more relaxing morning than that
Catching [m]y breath
Come closer... [M]
Lips ache.... waiting for your kiss (F) [OC]
Las Vegas Showgirl Vibes! [F] [OC]
The flirtatious words and photos you sent [M]e at work were almost overwhelming.
Still warming up
Come back to me... [M]
Getting clean... [M]
I love it when I can just lazily stretch out in the [m]orning
Join me...? [M]
Teases of the Week #3
Your turn [M]
Tease of the Week #4
Let's stay here all day [M]
First post on here. How do I look bending over from the front? (OC)
Teases of the Week #7
Congrats on 5k everyone ? [M]
This bath isn't big enough [F]or the two of us.
Very funny, now can you tell me where you hid my clothes?