Those expectations tho lol


User: NoydTheKnight

Categories: WhereAreAllTheGoodMen


36F wonders why she keeps getting together with unavailable men who won't commit...
Solutions are tools of the patriarchy, so don't offer any to this 36 year old stryng
"No bums" whines InDePenDent 19 y/o single mom
Entitled sex worker demanding money declares old men to be entitled. (Yep, gonna
When you only have one thing to offer and it's not good enough for a round 2 it says
In the comments of a sex worker subreddit was this gem. It's hard to see why sex
Uh oh... she just turned 30 and she failed to secure her meal ticket... ??
sO tIrEd Of StUpId GaMeS
Girl meets guy. They have common interests, they are attracted to one another, they
"I have a 3 year old son! Looking for women, but not into white men unless over
The fastest swipe for financially stable men.
[30-F] Mexican minion has realized after many years of being single that she now
Can't believe the times we live in: SINGLE MOM..of just 52 ys of age (!!!), with
Jeesh lady, put the damn phone down and raise your kids already. Men don't find your
If you pay, then don't expect to play. "Not looking for a husband, but someone
Or you could... and I'm just throwing this out there... not have sex with cheapskate
"I am 40 years old and this is my shopping list for a man"
PSA: Women want to change the narrative so they don't have to take responsibility
After chasing Chad's commitment only to get abused and dumped, Carol finally accepts
"I'm a 3/10 on a good day and have a bad attitude, so why do I attract losers?"
Newly single and low N-count but already heading down the path. Does she sleep with
The Wall has no equal. 30's F had no problem going on dates years ago. Now she wants
I hate pretty wymyns! I hate that I need to offer value to a man! Where are all the