Aftermath of my Tonsillectomy.

User: CunnedStunt

Categories: MakeMeSuffer


[NSFL] Swimming with polar bears
I think I’m going to be sick (NSFW)
anybody can cook
Oh deer.
Macular Hole Surgery (eye surgery)
A Place to store Baked Beans
what the fuck
My life is a lie
I see your nail injury, I raise you a mandolin cutter injury...
I see your pork chop incident and raise you a potato dicing incident [NSFW]
Thicker than a Snicker
Set them free
My first intro to the internet, loved how it popped like a weasel too
Necrosis from Krokodil
Cozy and Moist
The Mackerel, by Picasso (NSFW)
Learn to cook in quarantine. It’ll be fun, they said. Oh you live in America and
Can't unsee...
Trump beeing colorized
Zippers can be dangerous
Ancient nipple weights
A Little Morning TMI
Scalped Rat
Searched for an hour last night. Found it today.
Shin vs Metal Guard on Back of Truck
In Myanmar. Cops say he jumped from his apartment. Everyone else says he had acid
Make sure it's all clean!