
Basic Instinct [NSFW]
Requiem for a Dream - 4 perspectives
Reservoir Dogs
Total Recall
Starship Troopers
American Beauty (rose petal symbolism & foreshadowing)
12 Monkeys
The Life of David Gale
[3FM] Shame
[3FM] The Man Who Wasn't There
[3FM] Jackie Brown
[3FM] One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
[3FM] The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
[3FM] Rope
[3FM] Shutter Island
[3FM] My Dinner With Andre
[3FM] No Country For Old Men
[3FM] Blue Valentine
[3FM] Super 8
[3FM] Mr. Brooks NSFW
[3FM] Demolition Man
[3FM] Eyes Wide Shut (NSFW)
[3FM] Oldboy - If you haven't seen this movie, DON'T CLICK THIS LINK! Seriously,
[3FM] The Deer Hunter (thumbnail spoilerized)
[3FM] The Shawshank Redemption
[3FM] I Love You Man (NSFW language)
[3FM] Killing Them Softly โ€“ The hitman's perspective (Dovetails nicely with BOOGIEMAN-pN's
[3FM] Django Unchained
[3FM] The Master [NSFW]
[3FM] Aladdin โ€“ Rule 34 [NSFW]
[3FM] Shadow Dancer
[3FM] Drive (NSFW, Gore)
[3FM] My take on Boogie Nights (NSFW - Man Meat)
[3fm] Django Unchained [NSFW GORE]
[3FM] Quadrophenia
[3FM] Skyfall: "Oh, to hell with dignity; I'll leave when the job's done."
[3FM] Mary and Max [Contest]
[3FM] Irreversible โ€“ Told In Reverse Order ... an NSFW gif
[3FM] Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
[3FM] The Road
[3FM] Seven Pounds
[3FM] Splash : mildly NSFW
[3FM] Debbie Does Dallas - NSFW [Contest]
[3FM] [Contest] I'm the Angel of Death: Pusher III
[3FM] Captain Phillips
[3FM] Thor
[3FM] The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
[3FM] King Kong (1976)
[3FM] Gremlins (1984)
[3FM] Conan the Barbarian (1982) in 3 gifs.
[3FM] A Simple Plan
[3FM] Life After Beth (2014)
[3FM] "people coming, people going. nothing ever happens" Grand Hotel (1932)
[3FM] La vita รจ bella (Life Is Beautiful) (1997)
[3FM] Taxi Driver (1976)
[3FM] Panic Room
[3FM] Pale Rider
[3FM] Mad Max: Fury Road
[3FM] There Will Be Blood (2007)
[3FM] Silent Wedding (2008)