
This fucking guy
Flight of Shame
Stop in the Name of the Law! [x post /r/holdmybeer]
Most impressive catch I've ever seen.
Hypnotizing breasts
Rhinos trying to have sex
Rhinos trying to have sex
Idiots dab wrong.
Trumps Floppy Loop
[NSFW] For the c0ck, literally better every loop.
quite funny accident!
Guy on his way home from work
So many reactions.
Dildo Boomerang
Magnificent Hentai Kamen! [NSFW]
Guy tries to jump over trash but mistimes the jump
Nut Cracker
Mr. Kool and the Gang
Topless protestor surprises Angela Merkel
Talking Dog
Not a deterrence
"Okay now you give me a kiss."
Wear a seat belt
Dent repair
Spider Sense
What a cute little turtle!
Another reason the Nintendo Wii was so successful
No stop? No problem!
Is that you mom?!?!
poor man's Tokio drift
What a Sikh joke
Not his first rodeo
skippity doo bop
I could watch this all day
press here to hydrate
These cherries make me feel dirty...
Not sure if that's how you use that machine...
Caught looking on camera.
July 29th party going...
Thermo Forming Vacuum Machine
Friends forever
Cats can go from zero to jump scare in 0.2 seconds.
can't stop watching ?
I could watch this all day
Know your limits - ouch
The cutest thing you'll see tonight
NSFW You butter be shittin' me
Two willing participants isn't always enough.
Double ouch
Jumping into the weekend really do be like this
Christine Stanley knocking out Katie Anita Runyan in 5 seconds.
I watch this a few hundred times whenever I'm in a bad mood.