
Just realized that /r/batman would probably like my tattoo!
Batman and Robin wait for me to come home from work like this every day!
When my mom told me she got me a Batman Tumbler for Christmas, I pictured something
Batman sexiness, more In comments nsfw
Thank you Batman.
The saddest death of Batman Death of the Family
They did it again (Batman Inc #008)
Seeing this in Batman #20 made me happier than you can possibly imagine. SPOILERS
Preview of a page from the upcoming Batman/Superman comic. Oh the feels!
[SPOILER] So I read Batman: The Black Mirror, Loved it! but man I was not expecting
Alfred has had enough of your shit Bruce! *Batman 22 spoiler*
Apparently Final Crisis wasn't the first time Batman was hit by Darkseid's Omega
New Bruce VS Old Bruce Epicness [Mild Batman/Superman #02 SPOILERS]
My favourite Batman/Superman fight. Nothing beats the Bat! (Album in comments)
Latex Batman Panty (Sort of NSFW?)
Anyone else pick up this awesome Batman #24 variant today?
NSFW One of my favorite panels from Batman # 24
SPOILERS: First Look at a New Character (Possible Assassin) in Batman Arkham Origins
Batman Inc. operating in Rio? (x post /r/wtf) possible NSFW
Batman and Nightwing by Dustin Nguyen (SPOILERS) [resubmitted]
Goddamn Snyder made me smile with a line that I hate [Batman #29]
**NSFW** The Batman Signal has been shown
Went to Dallas Comic Con today. Got my custom sketch of Batman.....done by Cyanide
Batman re-enacting a recent episode of Game of Thrones [Batman and Ra's Al Ghul #32]
Batman by Matteo Scalera. This looks interesting. Does anyone have more information
Robin Rises is really delivering for the fans (Batman and Robin #34) SPOILER nsfw
No!! God damnit no! Anyone but him :( [nsfw] [spoiler batman eternal #21]
"A reminder of who we're fighting for.." Very powerful moment between Alfred
Greg Capullo's badass cover for Batman #36 (x-post with r/comicbooks)
He's baaaaaack. (Spoilers for Batman 36)
Bang! (Spoilers for Batman 36)
Why Batman is a truly tragic character. Batman/Superman 16 Spoliers.
TMI, Batman (NSFW)
This Changes Everything (Spoilers Batman #37)
Batman dress
A while back I saw a morphed pic of every actor to play batman so I added Ben Affleck
Pretty cool to see this in an animated movie. (SPOILERS for Batman VS Robin)
Best part of Batman VS Robin. Alfred with a fuckin' shotgun.
I made this with my favourite panel from Batman #40.
Finished the new Batman game. 10/10 [mild nsfw]
[Spoilers] (Batman: Arkham Knight) Can somebody get a better screenshot of this?
[Spoilers] I think Batman is drunk... he's seeing double...
Batman Vs. Hulk (Bronze Age Throwdown)
[AK Spoiler] Fear Toxin Batman
Jokes on you BATMAN (Batman V. Superman Comic-Con trailer)
Batman and Red Hood. NSFW because of spoiler
Batman Is A Freak [NSFW?]
[NSFW] Was cracking up at the juxtaposition of Batman's Face and Harley's behind.
Batman refuses to take selfies! [Arkham Knight mild spoilers]
Wont surrender to a.....witch? (Batman:Knightfall issue 495)
I need more of Jock's Batman. Please let him draw the next Black and White Series.
I love Batman and FX makeup.. so I carved the Batman v. Superman logo onto my chest!
I really like the elemental nature of Capullo's scenes. [Batman New 52 #21]
[Spoiler] My favourite batman panel
Love this Batmobile design [Batman #1]
Batman dialogue is NSFW
breaking: creators of batman say they willl rise from the dead to make a new batman
Do you find Batman xxx parody stayed true to the 1960's Batman series?