
Worldstar comments really are something...
Worldstar on Miley
Worldstar on porn
Worldstar on Soulja Boy.
8th grade is hard when you're a real G.
These Worldstar comments are better than the videos themselves.
Classic WorldStar comment
Worldstar on Amber Rose
Worldstar user is broke and needs some likes
Drake the type of nigga...
Worldstar on getting groceries.
Worldstar on Rape
Best "Drake the type.." joke I've seen.
Worldstar on the Washington Redskins name controversy
Soulja Boy makes music for niggas...
Worldstar on "Fuck her right in the pussy!"
Best Drake slam yet
'The only kkk that ever let niggas in'
In regards to the video full of white girls twerking.
Worldstar exposure
Worldstar user on condoms
Who's guilty of this?
Day in the life of a South nigga
No matter how ruthless Worldstar may be, sometimes they can show some compassion.
The struggle
Nothing hurts more...
Think before you speak..
Worldstar user on the new iPhone 6
worldstar user's girl is pregnant
Never have I seen a comment so true and accurate.
Worldstar advice
Not a bad Drake joke
Double Standards
Lucky Day
8-Ball jacket
Worldstar on Chicago
Got fired from McDonalds
worldstar on Lil Wayne
Slave song
If he was black...
where the fight comp of the "month"?
One-Hit Wonders Collab Album
White People
top comment from an unsigned artist video
The Drake savagery returns
'How South Niggas count'
What was he going for?
Worldstar inflating its view counter x100
Where They At Doe
Mexican/black beef got me in tears
Worldstar comments on French Airforce Drops 20 Bombs On ISIS
Good Guy WSHH [Meta]
Some useful advice in the comments section believe it or not
Teacher dont play That
Fighting off robbers ...with a flamethrower
You've been permanently banned from participating in r/bestofworldstar