Comic Crits

My first comic! This is the first of an autofiction-y series I plan on making. For
Soul Broker now has a buffer of 20 strips! Here's a picture of the cast so far.
The Soul Broker web-comic has four strips up so far, another one due tomorrow, and
Just started drawing NSFW, I want to draw a comic based on my erotica. Is this a
Part Two of Wagner: The Comic [Ongoing Story]
First time, please be kind [nsfw] (language)
New Comic creator! Most recent comic I made, what do you think about the art/story?
BacK 2 Bacteria-a soap box opera, prologue+page 7, larger version. Advice appreciated
Hey guys this is the first comic I ever made! Give me some feedback
Hi guys! Just wanted to share my webcomics with you all! [OC]
B ā€˜Nā€™ E Chapter 8
My comic- Obsidian, flowers and scarlet
B ā€˜Nā€™ E Chapter 9
Obsidian, flowers and scarlet, page-5