
Girl with 18 lb bone growth- before and after surgery
Girl with a parasitic twin growing out of her head; another head that can smile and
Charles II and his collection of recessive genetic illnesses and deformities
Small album of unfortunate babies born with Craniofacial Duplication (AKA Diprosopus)
Hypertrichosis (AKA Ambras / Werewolf syndrome)
A deformed victim of Agent Orange.
My favorite Leopard Gecko breeder put this up on facebook.
A baby with a severe facial deformity
A picture I found of some random deformities.
Parasitic conjoined twins
Jeremiah Mitchell, who had his face eaten away and limbs amputated after a meningitis
Some good old fashioned Ogrish deformities
Human Caused Turtle Deformity (X-post WTF)
Transverse Facial Cleft
back deformity, nose and throat tumors
I want to tattoo this on my toes.
My head is deformed...... have you ever seen a bigger head than mine?
The pope with a disfigured man.
Was told I should post this here.
Double Thumb
Does anyone know what type of deformality this girl has?
Baby from Fallujah born deformed with teeth as a result from the toxicity being exuded
Child severely burned.
Victorian pictures of deformities
Deformed head Victorian era
Almost alien like hands
Deformed engaged hand
Kid born missing front part of his face
Cyclopic/Otocephalic Piglet
Two headed buck bagged in Kentucky
Gecko with three tails
Parents with newborn dying of a cerebral birth defect
Woman with cancerous tumor in her face
Radiation induced birth defect- website with a small album in comments
kitten with Elhers Danlos syndrome and lens luxations
A unique toe
1.5 thumbs
A form of RA
Skeleton of conjoined twins
This is from Dr. Ikkaku Ochi's collection of the deformed from the late 18th century.
Overdeveloped Ears Compensating Fetus Born W/ No Eyes.
james poro