
Parents at Hungry Jacks. (Burger King). Teach your kids! You have to actually (literally)
When you're browsing reddit and this fucker shows up making you think you have a
"It's" is short for "it is" or "it has". Nothing else.
When you are with a friend and someone doesn't trim their bush
I see this a lot on reddit
Benedict Arnold!
Grinds My Gears
People that use cancer to gain likes
You know what GMG? When sites limit the text you input to a certain amount and don't
Fuck those posts!! ¡¡
Defining a word by using the word in question.
Not being civil or inciting violence? Or just calling out the mods?
People who will take the time to send you a message asking a dumb question but not
University of Utah student and member of the Utes tribe holds a picture of a BYU
Gone Comments
Arizona Iced Tea has gone up from 99 cents to $1.29
I love flowers, but not as much as I love hearing your comments down below! snap
Morning flash!
I need someone to cum help me take this off