
GetStringFromObject() - NSFW
As a Flash Developer when I first starting making cool stuff in HTML5, then tried
I can't WAIT until the admin who needed this advice gets access to a production database...
Teaching a 12 year old how to code
Mobile website done right
Just another IE joke...
Thanks, Google. Totally what I was looking for.
ELI5: Web development
As a programmer, this turns me O(n)...
That's not what I was looking for Google...
4chan on Perl (x-post /r/4chan)
Anyone else enjoy looking up CString when they forget something?
NSFW: So you like recursion?
Accidentally searched "index of" when I meant "indexOf" and this
What's the most vulgar (but valid) command you can type, without repetition of flags?
There's something odd about that progress bar.
Dat StringID
Not quite exactly what I was looking for.
Guys, I made Boner.java grow and shrink infinitely. I'm more proud of myself than
Browsing stack overflow for a solution I'm like
The importance of capitalizing your variable names
One of these things is not like the others...
Just think about the opportunities we have with VR!
The professor wanted us to write an interpreter. I still have no idea how I passed
Javascript is going to kill me...
[NSFW] Hidden Gems
Proper foreskin care is necessary for maintaining a healthy ObjectDataSource
I started teaching my friend app development, best decision of my life
Won't compile.
[NSFL] Fuck excel
Hate when this happens!
This MATLAB Function Is NSFW
Oh my... [NSFW text]
Web development explained with butt analogies
Couldn't resist adding this comment to a project.
Apparently even robot bodies run jQuery these days! (found on /r/Ghost_in_the_Shell)
It's everywhere!
C++ is a monstrosity
I'm convinced
Load balancing
So I made a twitter bot that will retweet giveaways. Think I should tweak it a little.
Love & deadlines
Goddamnit Steven!
Are we this lonely?
Me trying to relax after a long day
Happy Sysadmin Day!
When you try to install gcc from source for the first time and unzip the tarball
Better than pushing when it won't fit
Bugs can get f****d
Too much rare!
Lol ?
There there little buddy
Walking away before my risky-big query finishes NSFW
Infinite Penis
Bug fixes always come first
Low effort
Unit testing can cause some sad realizations