
could you fucking not?
Not sure if this is a good place for this or not
A list of common SJW terms and their meanings.
Thinsplaining to the fat community is making them sick!
Personal Space
I did a thing.
safe spaces vs safe spaces
OP is my cousin. I'm ashamed.
How the West is Being Systematically Destroyed?
Only brown people should wear turbans
[Fluff]Reddit Users try to attract new blood
Lena Dunham illustrates every SJW's problem in an ironically sublime sentence in
SJW racism
Click here to heal from toxic whiteness
SJW identifies as everything except white.
BLM/SJW supremacist goes off - A real look into the intelligence of a BLM sheep
Should I complain about there being a woman's only workout area at the gym?
Reddit Fascism - Look at all the unallowed Subreddits
I'm fairly sure there's a middle ground here..
How to:Tumblr
Nobody's stopping you from going to Liberia or Nigeria or Zimbabwe
Isn't it?
I'm afraid to go back and look at the replies
Nipples on men is SEXIST (reposted from r/facepalm)
A real superhero
BLM Twitterite mourns the shooting death of "Phidal Castro"
Bojack Lyft trigger.
My submission for a flash fiction writing assignment: The Microaggression of an Open
Apparently emojis are an oppressive tool of the patriarchy
New here, but I found this cruising CNN's homepage today and couldn't think of a
Disabled veterans are the new target of SJW attacks after the SJW campaign against
Hate and Ignorance
Found a Feminist playlist on Spotify today... I fixed it.
Disabled veterans are new target of SJW's following SJW campaign against remembrance
After every terrorist attack
You Fool!
Made a comment explaining a bit why a girl's trick wasn't as cool as it seemed. SJW
Just read this fantastic book about what the world would be like if SJW's were in
Every day we stray further from God's light
SJW from the "oppression and chill" meme on tinder
SJW circle jerk
SJWs double standards
"just as horrific as rape"
What's Your Opinion On The Whole Count Dankula Situation?
These fuckin' animals...
So Progressive
She created this with the help of her pussy