
1 month - 6 months - 11 months
(3 months E2 mono) Super satisfied with my progress so far!
8 months HRT, Injections
10 months
One year of HRT
Well over 3 years, many different forms of HRT. Slow growth, tanner stage??
15 months estradiol and spiro, 3 months progesterone, how am I doing?
10 Months HRT Timeline!
Pre-hrt vs 1.5 years (detail of HRT in comments)
7 Months vs 29 Months. Probably not much to shout out about but I guess it is what
14 Months
11 Months HRT update
Week1 on left, month 6 on right. Feels good
Ft. Gun range titties! 1, 4, and 7 months clockwise on 10mg EV/weekly IM and 100mg
1 year HRT Timeline
1 year, 2 months HRT. Not sure about tanner stage.
First 60 days vs 1000 days. I hate how little my chest grew
1 Day HRT to 5 Months HRT to 1 year HRT
15 Months :)
today is my 2 year hrt anniversary!
Pre-HRT, Month 2, Month 4.5
17 months E/S/P
10 months update :)
First post here. About to hit 4 months on HRT ?
6 Months vs 2 Years
What stage am I at? HRT for about 5.5 months. I feel like I had very little progress.
11 months update, gallery in comments :)
(resub) 2 weeks back on P4, 11.5 months
Pre-hrt to 18 months hrt
A few days out from hitting 6 months!
One year ???
Just over 1 year HRT
5mg pills p4 oral 2 years - moobs or tits
22 months
38B, 25months total HRT
31yo, 15mo hrt, 6mg estradiol, 100mg spiro per day and I couldn't be happier with
One year ago I posted here. Not much has changed tbh, but I started going to Dr.
10 months HRT, 41 years old. 1ml/5mg IM weekly estradiol cypionate. Tanner stage?
About 9½ months into HRT, starting to feel pretty good about myself. c:
30 months HRT (CPA+various E2, patches, sublingual, oral)
6 months ✨
About 7 months how am i doing? and when should progesterone be added?
10 months. Small but so grateful! ;P how am I doing?
10 months!
7 months. Enjoying the results. Hoping for just a bit more