U 69Dwyze690

President’s day is cancelled
The Church of C.H.U.D.
Republicans crash the economy everytime.
Can we just put Uncle Barry back in the game for a couple months? Back to orange
We're all black now
Nigga who got Fs in Biology out here sending me 5G conspiracy theories
They Live... ?
Lord help them carry this load ?
You just need to take everything Trump (a man with over 18,000 documented lies since
Expressing their privileges
Both statements are accurate
Just an apology ain't gonna cut it
I'm just going to leave this here
Glad to see the FBI's priorities are in order
Power and Intention
Protect Black women.
Never ending cycle of poverty and trauma
I only trust 4K videos
If Black children are “old enough” to experience racism then white children are
The rules are different when you have money.
This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad