U Literalfeces

“Hello? DOJ? This is President Karen. I’d like to speak to the manager of the
Some of our chefs poison the food. but most of them would never think of doing it.
No way, I say leave this statue up as a reminder of history.
This is aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States.
Trump knew Putin was paying Taliban to murder US Troops, and the only thing trump
And a handshake to seal the deal.
Trump’s Daddy
Look over here! It’s so shiny & new!
This goes without saying
Trump and Maxwell: Never forget
...and Trump thinks African American voters will fall for his BS
But but but what crimes has trump committed???? ?
Boogaloo my ass
End Qualified Immunity
Ready for the big night tonight!
This message was approved by the American taxpayers
Prophet vs Non-profit
All my homies hate domestic terrorists.