U Submissivebean

It makes you feel so ashamed of yourself, thats why you shouldn't cum
Under foot
Asian Gets Rough DP
I Want To Be The Reason Guys Go To Clubs
Enjoy your new Fuckdoll! (don't forget to turn off after use)
First Anal Sexpressions
Something for the cunts out there to keep firmly in mind.
Because they all become sluts if you rape them long enough.
Woman/Cunts take note. To serve a main is a gift... a privilege... Thake every opportunity
Roles to live by, simple, succinct, and fulfilling for all
The young ones always break once your hand is around their neck.
Used like a fuckdoll
Daddy says I can’t go back to work... he wants to keep me barefoot and pregnant
She's so scared
Abused blonde
Good practice